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Exams and Assessments

Year 11 - Mocks and Final Exams

Here at Castle View Academy, we take GCSE preparation very serious.  Students will sit a series of mock exams over the course of Year 11 which will help them determine what they already know and what needs further revision.

Year 11 Mock Information





Year 11 Final Exams

Provisional Summer 2025 Exam Timetable

JCQ Information for Candidates - Written Examinations

JCQ Information for Candidates - On Screen Examinations

JCQ Information for Candidates - Social Media

Exams Office Candidate Information Video




Year 7, 8, 9 & 10 - Rank Order Assessments (ROAs)

Here at Castle View Academy, we follow an assessment system know as Rank Order Assessments. Twice a year, students sit a series of assessments under exam conditions which are marked and used to determine their rank within their year group in school but also amongst their peers in other schools across the United Learning Trust.  This process allows us to set groups according to ability, challenging those in higher sets while providing support for those in lower sets.  The outcomes of these assessments will be discussed with parents/careres at length (usually at a parents' evening) so that all parties involved know exactly what should be done for each student to achieve their very best during their time here school. 

Key Exam Dates 2024 - 25

Year 7

16/09/2024 – Year 7 Baseline and Reading Tests commence (all week) 

21/10/2024 - Year 7 to 10 English & Maths Exams commence (Mon-Wed) 

13/1/2025 - Year 7 to 10 Mid-Year Exams commence (all week) 

24/2/2025 - Year 7 and 8 Reading Tests commence (all week) 

2/6/2025 - Year 7 to 9 End of Year Exams commence (all week) 

2/6/2025 - Year 7 and 8 Reading Tests commence (all week) 

Year 8

21/10/2024 - Year 7 to 10 English & Maths Exams commence (Mon-Wed) 

4/11/2024 – Year 8 Reading Tests commence (all week) 

13/1/2025 - Year 7 to 10 Mid-Year Exams commence (all week) 

24/2/2025 - Year 7 and 8 Reading Tests commence (all week) 

2/6/2025 - Year 7 to 9 End of Year Exams commence (all week) 

2/6/2025 - Year 7 and 8 Reading Tests commence (all week) 

Year 9

21/10/2024 - Year 7 to 10 English & Maths Exams commence (Mon-Wed) 

13/1/2025 - Year 7 to 10 Mid-Year Exams commence (all week) 

2/6/2025 - Year 7 to 9 End of Year Exams commence (all week) 

Year 10

21/10/2024 - Year 7 to 10 English & Maths Exams commence (Mon-Wed) 

13/1/2025 - Year 7 to 10 Mid-Year Exams commence (all week) 

7/5/2025 - Year 10 Spanish Speaking Mocks commence (3 days) 

9/6/2025 - Year 10 Mock Exams commence (all week) 

Year 11

23/10/2024 – Year 11 Mock Information Evening, 6:00pm - 6:45pm

4/11/2024 - Year 11 Mock Exams commence (two weeks) 

13/1/2025 - Year 11 English, Maths & Science Exams commence (all week) 

23/1/2025 - Year 11 BTEC Art Component 1 Internal Exam commence (two days) 

6/2/2025 - Food Practical exams Y11 commence 

13/2/2025 - Year 11 Mock Information Evening 

26/2/2025 – Spanish Speaking exams Y11 commence 

3/3/2025 - Year 11 Mock Exams commence (two weeks) 

23/4/2025 - Year 11 BTEC Art Component 2 External Exam 11A commence (four days) 

29/4/2025 - Spanish Speaking exams Y11 commence (four days) 

6/5/2025 - Year 11 GCSE window commences (6 weeks) 


Revision and Support

Top Tips

  1. 100% Attendance – Give yourself the very best chance of success, by avoiding taking unnecessary time off school and making sure you are at your very best during school time. Keep as up to date in your classwork as you can and make sure you complete every home work to the very best of your ability.
  2. Be equipped and work smart – make sure you have a place set aside at home for study, a desk preferably and good seating and lighting. It is best to keep a list of the homework you have to do and the revision you would like to do from now on. It is never too early to revise. Go back over work you did not understand in class. Use your new maths text books to help you and for all other subjects use your revision guides.
  3. Make sure your Homework gets your very best attention – homework is essential to help you consolidate the learning you have done in lessons and is also designed to fill learning gaps. “Flipped learning” is used sometimes where you will find you are learning new information and skills. You should always aim to produce your very best work as your homework, take care and pride over the presentation and once you have the feedback from your teacher, make sure you read the advice, respond to marking and feedback in your class books and act on the advice given.

Online Revision Resources

Revision Techniques

Revision Techniques - The Learning Scientist 

Mental Health

Sleep Tips - Young Minds

Relaxation Techniques

Supporting Your Child

Parent Guide - Supporting Your Child in Exam Time

Supporting your child to beat exam stress - Place2Be

Exam Stress

How To Deal With Exam Stress - Young Minds

Managing Exam Stress - Place2Be


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