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Year on year GCSE success celebrated at Castle View Academy

Marketing Suppport / Categories: General

Year on year GCSE success celebrated at Castle View Academy

Today for the second year in succession, students and staff at Castle View Academy are celebrating record breaking GCSE results. Over 60% of the students achieved 4 or above in English or Mathematics, a significant increase on results from previous years.

The academy is equally delighted with the number of students achieving the government’s 4+ (C grade or above) and 5+ (B grade or above) threshold within English and Mathematics which has improved for the second year in succession (51% 4+ and 30% 5+).

There was significant success beyond the core subjects with excellent results in iMedia, Higher Mathematics, History, Media Studies and Modern Foreign Languages.

Individual student successes include:

Bence Heiler who achieved two grade 9s (English Language and Physics) and 7 grade 8s;

Aimee Whitbourn who achieved one grade 9 (English Language), two grade 8s, one grade 7 and two grade 6s;

Luke Johnson who achieved two grade 8s (History and Media), four grade 7s and two grade 6s;

Lewis Mountified who achieved three grade 8s (History, Media and Music), three grade 7s and three grade 6s.

Congratulating students and staff at the academy, Principal Christian Down said:

“We are incredibly proud of all of the students at Castle View Academy.  Our students have shown commitment, resilience and determination and have produced the academy’s ‘best ever’ GCSE results. Our academy continues to grow from strength to strength, welcoming a record number of students into Year 7 this September and celebrating continued GCSE improvements from our outgoing 2018-19 cohort.

“Staff and students are aspirational for the academy to be the ‘best’ in Portsmouth and today we have taken a significant step toward this. With year on year GCSE improvements, Castle View Academy is fast becoming the school everyone is talking about and I am incredibly proud of our achievements. Well done Class of 2019!”




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