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Year 11's Leavers Celebrations

Maia Smith / Categories: General

Year 11's Leavers Celebrations

On Friday, 28th June, the Year 11's celebrated their last day at Caste View. They enjoyed the assembly with Mr Holden as they looked back at memories from the last 5 years. We decorated the atrium with '2021' balloons and gift bags. This is where they had pizza, donuts, signed each others shirts and said their last goodbyes.

Short message from Mr Holden,

'Dear Year 11,

It has been a privilege seeing you all grow and develop over the last five years. You have gone from being fresh faced Year 7s, to being the most mature students in the school.

Over the last three years, I have thoroughly enjoyed being your Head of Year and I am so sad to see you all leave. However, all good things must come to an end, and so on behalf of all the members of staff in the school, we wish you all the best for the future. 

You will always be part of Castle View Academy'



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