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Strike Action: Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July

Chloe Witherden / Categories: General

Members of the NEU teaching union have voted to strike in our area on the following dates:


  • Wednesday, 5th July
  • Friday, 7th July


Due to the expected high number of staff taking part, CVA will be open to Year 10 students only on these dates. All of Year 10 will receive free food at break time on both days and will be leaving the academy after lesson 4 ends on both days at 13:35.


Click here - to access home learning resources for Year 7, 8 and 9 students. If you are unable to access these resources, please collect a work pack from reception after the PM roll call on Tuesday, 4th July. The work packs will contain work for both strike days.


It is unlikely that the industrial action will be called off, but if this were to happen, we will contact you immediately. Employment law allows for staff to change their minds regarding whether they will strike or not, right up to the day of striking. Therefore, there is a possibility that even on the strike day the situation will change. As we may need to make last-minute changes to the plan, we are asking all parents to keep their eye on communications on the morning of the 5th and 7th of July.


If you have any questions or concerns about the alternative arrangements outlined above, please contact us via the school email address admin@castleviewacademy.org.uk.



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