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Parent Letter - Expectations

Chloe Witherden / Categories: General

I am writing to outline some changes that are happening within the academy for the summer term and to remind you of the expectations we have of our students around punctuality and behaviour.


Student Entitlement Leadership

Departure of Mr Tucker – Vice Principal

As you may be aware, Mr Tucker our Vice Principal will be leaving the academy next week to pursue a new role. Mr Tucker has contributed 20 years of dedicated service to the Paulsgrove community and has led the Pastoral and Behaviour Team with determination, commitment and care. I am extremely grateful for the contribution he has made to our community and hope that you will join me in wishing him luck on his new journey. I wanted to reassure you that your child’s learning and experience at Castle View is paramount and therefore our Associate Vice Principal - Mrs Reed-Birks will be taking over leadership of our Student Entitlement Team from the beginning of the summer term.


In addition to this please find below the list of updated Year Leaders and Key Stage Directors from the start of the summer term:

Director of Y7 and Transition

Mr Paul Lambert



Year Leader Y7

Ms Shelley Richardson


Director of Y8 & Y9

Mrs Amy Cooper



Deputy Director of Y8 and Y9

Ms Michelle Maxwell



Year Leader Y8

Ms Gina Pruett 



Year Leader Y9

Ms Pamela Redman


Director of Y10

Mr John Titcombe


Year Leader Y10 &Y11

Mr Mike Aston


Director of Y11

Mr Matt Gill


Please contact the above should you wish to discuss anything regarding your child’s experience at the Academy.



Nationally there has been a significant increase in children under 16 vaping. Vaping is prohibited within the school site and the purchasing or selling of vapes is illegal to persons under the age of 18. Please can you remind your child of the dangers of vaping and in accordance with our behaviour policy understand that smoking is banned – this includes vaping. If your child is suspected of vaping on site or being in possession of a vape, this will be directly investigated with your child, you shall be contacted, and your child shall be sanctioned. I would appreciate your support in talking to your child around this.




Students must arrive to school punctually. The school day begins at 8.30 am when the morning whistle is blown. If your child arrives after this time, they are late. It is essential that your child arrives on time and understands the importance of being disciplined with time keeping. If your child is late, you will receive communication from the school either through text, email, or a telephone call from the Year Leader. If you are communicated with, we would appreciate you speaking directly to your child to reinforce the importance of time keeping and punctual attendance.  Your child will be issued with a detention for persistent lateness.



Our uniform is what sets us apart from every other school in Portsmouth. We are incredibly proud of our uniform and the high standards we have regarding the way it is worn. Students must come in correct uniform every day. The uniform policy is clearly outlined on our website, and we expect students to wear their uniform with pride. If your child comes into school in incorrect uniform, then this will be addressed directly with your child, and you will be contacted by your child’s Year Lead. Can I also remind you that students are allowed to wear one plain pair of gold or silver stud earrings. Nose piercings, tongue piercings and additional lobe piercings are prohibited, therefore I would be grateful if you could ensure these piercings are removed before your child attends school. We have had an increase in trainers, coloured hair and false nails which again are not part of the school uniform policy which is on our website.



Thank you for your support in ensuring that we continue to raise aspirations for our students. Their learning, well-being and success is of the upmost importance to us. If you require any further information or clarity of what is in this letter, please contact your child’s Year Leader in the first instance.


I wish you a restful Easter and look forward to welcoming the students back for the summer term which begins on Tuesday 18th April.


Yours sincerely

Christian Down



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