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How to Help Your Child Succeed

Maia Smith / Categories: General

We would like invite you to attend our Year 11 How to Help Your Child Succeed Evening on:

Tuesday 6th October 2020 from 4:00-6:45pm*

*You will have been allocated a specific time slot to attend from one of the following:

  • 4:00-4:45pm
  • 5:00-5:45pm
  • 6:00-6:45pm

It is important that you only attend the time slot you have been given so that we are able to safely complete this event in line with the current Covid guildines. If you have lost or misplaced the letter with the information please contact the school directly by telephone or email.

The evening is an important opportunity to meet the ALT (Academy’s Leadership Team) and discuss how best to support your child in both in Castle View Academy and at home. Research shows that where parents and academies form strong partnerships, a child’s chances of success are greatly improved. I hope therefore that you will be able to contribute to this partnership by coming along to discuss exam specific and GCSE specific information.

This event will focus on:

  •  Next steps – college courses/apprenticeships etc
  •  Attendance in school and during intervention lessons
  •  Support and advice with revision for summer exams
  •  Targeted subject specific information and key exam information
  •  Expectations on students during any possible future lockdown / isolations
  •  Location of key information

Covid 19 Guidance for your protection:

  •  We will be operating a one-way system and so please can you arrive at the sports hall entrance and leave via the pupil entrance (passing the bike sheds).
  • Only 2 guests (parents/careers) representing each student. Unfortunately, to reduce numbers we are asking that no students attend this event
  • We strongly advise that you wear face coverings (unless exempt).
  • Your seat number for the event is «Parents_seat_number». This is so that we can operate a track a trace type service.

Remember to complete the reply slip on the second page of the letter and ask your child to return to Mrs Fox by Thursday 1st October, and we will look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 6th October.


Documents to download



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