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CVA Students Watch Stellar Performance of "Mum, Can You Lend Me Twenty Quid?"

Arlene Gajdus / Categories: General

CVA Students Watch Stellar Performance of "Mum, Can You Lend Me Twenty Quid?"

On Thursday 1st November, we were proud to present the play, 'Mum, Can You Lend Me Twenty Quid?'. The play is based on the real life story of Elizabeth Burton-Philips who endured the horror of her twin boys both becoming addicted to heroin. The play was performed to Years 10 and 11 who responded with maturity and emotion. Many students were visibly moved by the harrowing story. They later participated in a workshop which enabled them to explore the difficult themes within the play. 

In the evening, we opened our doors to the wider community and welcomed over one hundred and fifty guests to watch the play and listen to information from Lynn Evans from the Rebound Carers' Support Group. We also heard from Matt Easton from the Police about the growing issue of County Lines.

Several members from the community were deeply touched by the message of this play and two commented that the play "opened my eyes that there are so many more mums like me" and "it made me feel a torrent of emotions".

Lynn Evans from Rebound said, "Thank you so much for all your hard work in helping us bring the Play to Castle View Academy. The school is a fantastic new resource for the catchment, the pupils looked fantastic in their new uniforms and some of the artwork I saw around the school was amazing."




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