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CVA Round Up - Issue 4 (2022/23)

Chloe Witherden / Categories: General

Round Up Highlights

Message from Mr Down

Students have worked incredibly hard this term and have made great progress. All KS3 students recently received their ROA results. These results reflect the determination and ambition shown in each lesson by the students. Year 11 students have also received their mock results. Year 11s need to keep focused on the lead-up to their exams. Over Easter, teachers will be running revision sessions, for more details on this please check your emails.

Throughout the term we have seen an increase in new students joining the academy, often these students have come from overseas. Students have shown great respect to our new students and welcomed them into our community. We have been reflecting on being with United Learning for 5 years this month. When we joined United Learning, we were clear that we wanted to drive improvement throughout the school.  We began with a focus on teaching and learning and it has been very encouraging to see academic attainment improve so rapidly.  Alongside this, we have worked hard on improving the overall school experience for our students so that school is a place they want to come to, where they want to get involved and where they want to make a positive contribution. Our increased attendance speaks for itself as does the number of students who are actively involved in our clubs and teams and who hold leadership positions. It was particularly gratifying to hear them tell inspectors how proud they are of the school during our recent Ofsted inspection. With the support of United Learning, our staff have worked incredibly hard and the anniversary this week allows us to sit back and reflect on everything we have achieved. Every one of our fantastic staff has played a pivotal role in transforming standards and I would like to thank them for their hard work, commitment, and tireless energy. To read the full article about our 5th anniversary, please go to our website or click the link: https://www.castleviewacademy.org.uk/news-events/latest-news/cva-celebrates-5-years-with-united-learning-1


Year 10 Visit The Victory

Year 10 students have had a fantastic time providing support to the younger students at The Victory Primary school while they undertook two days of a Science Challenge.


Pupils from Years 3-5 were given the task of designing and building a machine to transport Easter eggs across a table.


Year 10 students showed great empathy and skill in guiding the thinking of The Victory pupils as they went about this task, not only in the science and engineering that was required but also in managing the teams so that all students were included.


Headteacher, Mr Hartley, thanked the CVA students for their maturity and enthusiasm and also said that he was pleased to see some students he knew from their time at The Victory progressing so well. In the coming weeks, CVA students will also be providing support to Key Stage 1 as well as the Early Year pupils.

Commemorative Planting Day

At the start of March over 40 volunteers from the community and Charles Dickens Orchard came to plant fruit trees and hedging on the school grounds! The event was part of the national Queens Green Canopy and was funded by Trees for Cities.


Thank you to all the volunteers who braved the cold to make the school grounds green!

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