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CVA celebrates 5 years with United Learning

Chloe Witherden / Categories: General

In March, students and staff at Castle View Academy are marking five years since the academy joined United Learning.


A series of events including a special assembly have been held to reflect on the incredible journey of transformation the Portsmouth school has been on since joining United Learning in 2018.  At the heart of its five-year celebrations, Castle View Academy has focused on five areas of improvement:


  1. Improved Ofsted rating: following an inspection in June, Ofsted inspectors judged the academy ‘Good’ in all areas. This is an improvement from the 2017 judgement it had previously received.


  1. Improved results: in five years, the academy has doubled the number of students achieving a grade 5 or above in both English in maths; in 2022, 44% of students achieved these grades compared to 22% in 2017.


  1. Improved attitude to learning: the academy has seen a complete turnaround in attitude with a notable shift in classroom participation, quiet corridors during lesson time and respect for peers, staff and their surroundings.  The academy believes every child has the right to an education and therefore disruptions are dealt with swiftly and thoroughly.  Ofsted recently commented that the academy’s “atmosphere is firmly focussed on learning”.



  1. Improved student wellbeing: the importance of student wellbeing has increased over the past five years.  Involvement in initiatives such as the Red Box Project as well as the introduction of safe spaces and greater outdoor activities have led the school to achieve a Wellbeing Award for Schools.


  1. Improved opportunities: as part of United Learning, Castle View Academy is committed to delivering an Education with Character – an education which inspires and challenges students and helps them to develop into confident, ambitious and articulate young adults.  To achieve this, the academy has broadened its offer to students. There are now many more opportunities for students to gain new skills and enjoy different experiences including trips to other countries, student leadership opportunities and opportunities within the school to lead on projects and events.


Commenting on the academy’s five years of transformation, Principal Christian Down said:


“When we joined United Learning we were clear that we wanted to drive improvement throughout the school.  We began with a focus on teaching and learning and it has been very encouraging to see academic attainment improve so rapidly.  Alongside this, we have worked hard on improving the overall school experience for our students so that school is a place they want to come to, where they want to get involved and where they want to make a positive contribution.  Our increased attendance speaks for itself as does the number of students who are actively involved in our clubs and teams and who hold leadership positions.  It was particularly gratifying to hear them tell inspectors how proud they are of the school during our recent Ofsted inspection. With the support of United Learning, our staff have worked incredibly hard and the anniversary this week gives us the opportunity to sit back and reflect on everything we have achieved.  Every one of our fantastic staff has played a pivotal role in transforming standards and I would like to thank them for their hard work, commitment and tireless energy.”



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