Absence Reporting | t: 02392 370 321 |


Year 7 Choir

Thanks to professional Opera Singer, Charlotte Brosnan for working with our talented Year 7 Choir yesterday, preparing students for the UL Opera Performance of George Bizet's 'Carmen' taking place in London, on the 26th June. Charlotte commented on how fantastic the students were, saying their performance of 'The Children's Chorus' was one of the strongest she has ever heard.

More details on the performance in London will be with students soon.

Year 7 Choir


Southern Universities Network Residential

Congratulations to two CVA students who took part in the the Southern Universities Network Residential which is aimed at giving students an opportunity to experience what University life is like and what options are available to them. They took part in courses including media, film studies and criminology. The residential lasted three days and 2 nights, concluding with a graduation ceremony on the final afternoon which was attended by both parents and staff.


James said:


'My SUN experience was great, we did a few media activities and I made a lot of new friends that I am still in contact with. The SUN residential opened my eyes to my future possibilities and the paths that I can take in higher education to get to the places I want to go. It also showed me that university is not a scary, its actually very relaxed'.

Southern Universities Network Residential


Polling Day Thursday 2nd May 2019

On Thursday 2nd May 2019 CVA is being used as a polling station. This won't affect the school day and as such students will be expected in as normal.

Polling Day Thursday 2nd May 2019


Spring Cluster Newsletter

Welcome to the Spring newsletter of United Learning’s Portsmouth North Cluster. A lot has happened over the past 4 months both at Castle View Academy and our Primary schools and we hope this newsletter gives you a glimpse of some of the fantastic events which highlight all the hard work and dedication from our students and staff.

As always, there are lots more to our schools than captured in this newsletter, so we invite you to continue visiting the schools’ websites and follow us on social media for all the latest news and events happening in our schools.

Spring Cluster Newsletter


CVA welcomes back ex KRS students

It was a great honour today, to welcome back four ex KRS students to the academy. They enjoyed a tour of the new building as well as getting a chance to reminisce of their time at school with CVA staff and students.

'Fantastic experience to see how the new academy has grown' David Grant

Photo - Ex students from left to right: Bob Jeffries, Sid Rapson, Peter Littlefield, David Grant with a group of our year 9 students

CVA welcomes back ex KRS students


IOP Physics Roadshow to Year 5 Pupils

Thanks to IOPLSE for the amazing Physics Roadshow delivered to our year 5 feeder school pupils, there was a definite feeling of awe and excitement in the CVA theatre this morning.

IOP Physics Roadshow to Year 5 Pupils


Year 10 Students Awarded Their DofE Bronze Award

Well done to our Year 10 students who have successfully completed their bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award were awarded their certificates today in assembly.


The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a fantastic opportunity for students to extend their skill base, and gain confidence and independence at the same time. These students have worked really hard over the past 6 months learning new skills, taking part in physical activities, volunteering and taking part in a two night expedition.


The expedition and the training section was a definite highlight for the students and an adventure of two halves, for the training aspect students had to endure torrential rain with one student even trying their hand at bog swimming! In stark contrast the main event happened to take place on the hottest weekend of the year! Despite all extreme weather conditions students showed true resilience and enthusiasm, cooking up an amazing cooked breakfast with freshly prepared hash brown and as the sun set enjoying jumbo toasted marshmallows around the campfire. They even got to watch the England world cup game through the foresight of taking a power pack with them.


Equal credit must also be given to the other sections, for skills, students took on journalistic roles, looking at the effects of cancer research, performed regularly in a band improving their skill level of playing a musical instrument and developing their art skills which resulted in a student producing a range of facial portraits in different medium.


For the Volunteering section of the award, as part of caring for an elderly neighbour, lots of dogs got taken out for walks, Mums and relatives were given a reprieve when chores were completed at home for free and students helped support their local primary school children when they came to the academy for science enrichment activity.

Year 10 Students Awarded Their DofE Bronze Award


Review of the National Autism Strategy

The Department of Health and Social Care, with the Department for Education, has recently launched a national call for evidence to inform the review of the Autism Strategy. The call for evidence is inviting views from autistic people, their families and carers as well as those of professionals. It is aimed at finding out what is working, where progress has been made and, importantly, where we need to push harder to transform the lives of autistic people, their families and carers. Click on the click below to fill out the online survey.
Deadline for responses is Thursday 16th May.

Online Survey


'Soundsational' Music Performance

On Wednesday 13th March, a number of Year 9 Castle View Academy students took part in Portsmouth Music Hub's 'Soundsational' music concert at the Portsmouth Guildhall. Featuring performances from schools across the city, as well as the Music Hub's own Rock bands, CV students performed superbly on the prestigious Guildhall stage, and received glowing feedback from the events organisers. Students performed 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', 'Teenage Kicks' and 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams,'

'Soundsational' Music Performance


Disneyland Paris - Where Dreams Come True

Over half term, 56 students from Castle View Academy participated in an engaging and inspiring series of seminars and workshops in Disneyland Paris.


During the four day trip, the students learnt first-hand how Disney’s spectacular shows and parades are put together.  In a dance and drama workshop, they worked with casting directors and choreographers to recreate the ‘Love is an Open Door’ scene from Disneyland’s production of ‘Frozen Live’.


The trip was also an opportunity to bring other areas of the curriculum to life.  For example, the students learnt about the engineering and science behind some of the park’s ground-breaking rides.  They learnt how Galileo and Newton’s principles influenced roller-coaster design and looked at G forces, animatronics and potential and kinetic energy.  During this fascinating workshop, the students designed their own roller-coaster.


In a creative writing workshop, the students explored fairy tales and were tasked with writing a traditional tale from the perspective of another character.


Miss Nutland, who accompanied the students, said:


“What a fantastic trip!  The students learnt so much and were exposed to so many different experiences.  Throughout the trip, they were constantly amazed by what they were seeing and there was always someone saying ‘Wow’!


“This trip was so much more than a visit to a theme park; the students really got to grips with the physics and engineering behind the rides and their twisted fairytales were superb.


“As part of our commitment to deliver an Education with Character, we constantly seek to give our students an education which excites, challenges and interests them and this trip did not disappoint!”


Disneyland Paris - Where Dreams Come True




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