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Year 5 Witches, Wizards and Wands Festival

last week we were delighted to welcome year 5 students from our local feeder schools to CVA for our Witches, Wizards and Wands festival. Students spent the day taking part in workshops which included writing spells, working out magic numbers, making up potions and there was even a spot of Quidditch!

I just wanted to say how amazing yesterday was for our children. The Harry Potter day was truly a magical experience for our children. The staff and year 11 pupils that led us round were amazing, a credit to your school. It was such a lovely way for our children to see the change at Castle View. The staff had obviously put a lot of effort in and it was lovely to see all the different subjects being used to inspire the children. I am hopeful that it happens again next year as I will be highly recommending it to our head.


Thank you once again for this wonderful experience for our children.

Year 5 teacher St Pauls Primary School

Year 5 Witches, Wizards and Wands Festival


BAE Roadshow

Many thanks to the BAE Roadshow team for an inspiring show today to our year 7&8 students. The roadshow was aimed at inspiring excitement in STEM subjects through fun interactive activities.

BAE Roadshow


Beacon View Spanish Day

Year 10 Students from CVA enjoyed spending the day at Beacon View Primary School to help with their Spanish day on Friday 14th June. As part of the activities our students helped the children to practice their Spanish through a variety of different activities including singing, making sangria, story telling in Spanish and bingo!

Beacon View Spanish Day


Carmen Rehearsal

Students are very excited about taking part in next weeks performance of Carmen at London's Olympic Park alongside their peers from United Learning national group of schools. #educationwithcharacter #unitedopera #CVProud @voices_found @EPOC_Tweets

Carmen Rehearsal Video

Carmen Rehearsal


Portsmouth Book Award 2019

On Wednesday 12th June a group of our Year 8 students visited to attend the Celebration Event of the Portsmouth Book Award to find out who had won the award for 2019.

This brought an end to 5 months of reading for the students. Ele Fountain won the award with her novel Boy 87, which the students were pleased about as she was their preferred choice too.

During the event the students got the opportunity to meet Ele Fountain who gave a talk to the students about writing and her inspiration of writing Boy 87 during her time working in Ethiopia.

#reading #portsmouthreadingculture #Elefountain #boy87

Portsmouth Book Award 2019


Year 11 Leavers Assembly

To celebrate Year 11’s finishing their exams we will be having a Year 11 leaver's assembly on Monday 17th June at 10:00 am. This will be a celebration to congratulate the students for all their hard work and to watch the all important Yr 11 leaver's film.

Year 11 Leavers Assembly


Well Being Questionnaire

Castle View Academy is currently working towards achieving a school improvement award. As part of the process we are asking parents to fill out a short survey to help us understand what we are doing well and how we can make improvements.

All responses and suggestions will be carefully considered and used to plan a range of school improvements.

If you would like to take part please click the link below:

Well Being Questionnaire

The survey will be live until 10th August.

If you have any queries about the survey, please call the academy and ask to speak to Mr Beck


Mysteries of Love

CVA Dance Company were invited to perform at the Community Dance Platform at Itchen Sixth Form College on Wednesday 22nd May 2019. They performed a beautiful lyrical piece called Mysteries of Love which was choreographed by Miss De Belder. The girls performed with a real sense of professionalism and were a credit to the school as always.

Mysteries of Love


Marie Curie Fundraising

Well done to Year 7 students who helped raise £304.86 for Marie Curie, helping them to support the care needed for those living with a terminal illness. #CVProud #makeadifference

Marie Curie Fundraising


The D-Day Story

Our Year 10 Historians have been working tirelessly as 'D Day Young Shapers' on a project based around D-Day this year. Please support them and join us for a free Fun Day at The D-Day Museum on Saturday 1st June. Well done Megan, Courtney, Bobbi-Jo, Asmita & Xavier.

The D-Day Story




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