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Anti-Bullying Week 2022

Chloe Witherden / Categories: General

This week is Anti-Bullying Week. Students will be hearing more about this year’s theme “Reach Out” during assembly and personal development sessions.


Anti-Bullying Week 2022 Call to Action

“Bullying affects millions of lives and can leave us feeling hopeless. But if we challenge it, we can change it. And it starts by reaching out.

It doesn’t stop with young people. From teachers to parents and influencers to politicians, we all have a part to play. Reach out to someone you trust if you need to talk. Reach out to someone if you know they’re being bullied. Reach out by being the change you want to see.

It takes courage, but it can change lives.

So, this Anti-Bullying Week, let’s come together and reach out to stop bullying.”


Why is antibullying week needed?

A quarter of people aged 12-18 have experienced some form of bullying in the last year. This might be from people at school, work, online or even those in their own home.

Bullying has a significant impact on a young person’s life, and this can last well into adulthood, with adults who were bullied as children being more likely to experience a range of mental health difficulties and find themselves unemployed.


What is bullying?

The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.




Anxiety UK

A user-lead organisation that supports anyone with anxiety, phobias, panic attacks or other anxiety-related disorders. 03444775774 or text 07537416905.


Beat act as a champion, guide and friend and anyone affected by eating disorders, giving individuals experiencing an eating disorder and their loved ones a place where they feel listened to supported and empowered. 08088010711.

Big White Wall

Big White Wall is a unique online mental health and wellbeing service offering self-help programmes and creative outlets.


ChildLine provides help for anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. 0800 1111.


Children of Addicted Parents and People (COAP) provide a welcoming, safe and supportive online community for young people affected by parental drug and alcohol abuse.

Ditch the Label

Ditch The Label help young people navigate through issue related to bullying, such as improving mental health, body image, coming out and building confidence and self-esteem.

Doc Ready

Doc Ready is a digital tool that helps young people to prepare and make the most out of mental-related GP visits. It helps young people to know what to expect during a GP consultation, plan what to say and recorded the outcomes of their appointments.


Kooth is an online and confidential service giving help and advice about emotional health.


In School



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