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Catering at Castle View Academy

Chloe Witherden / Categories: General

Catering at Castle View Academy

Message from Sir Jon Coles:

As you will know, there have been some significant teething problems since the beginning of term as our new catering contractor gets to work. This is very unfortunate and has occurred despite significant planning by them over the summer. I can assure you that the matter is being taken extremely seriously at a local and national level by United Learning and the contractor, whose Managing Director has written to me today to assure me that the issues we are facing are temporary and “are being resolved as a matter of priority”.


She has likewise assured me that they are “committed to providing meals that are both delicious and healthy, freshly prepared on-site and comply with national school food standards”. Colleagues across United Learning are in daily detailed contact with the company at a national and regional level and we are, of course, liaising closely with them within the school to raise everything to the standards we all expect.


The contractor have thanked us for our patience and are confident that “everything will be resolved quickly and permanently in the coming days”. We will be continuing to monitor this and respond to anything in our catering that isn’t what we would expect or hope for.


Thank you to parents, students and staff for your tolerance and I can assure you that we will be pushing extremely hard on this until every matter is resolved.


Message from Adam Potter:

Following the message from Sir Jon Coles, I have spoken to the Managing Director and the following Meal Deal options will be effective from Monday 18th September, two of which will include a bottle of water.


NEW DEAL 1: Hot 2.40 Meal
Hot Main, Hot Grab & Go, Pasta + Side + Bottled Water OR Hot Pudding/Traybake/Fruit Pot

NEW DEAL 2: 2.40 Meal Deal

Sandwich, Wraps, Pasta Salad Pot, Hot Pasta + Hot pudding/Traybake + Bottled Water


I have also had a conversation around the price of the Meal Deal. I know it was £2.25 previously and the Managing Director will run some numbers and get back to me as soon as possible.


I can also confirm that the issues with the portion size and the quality of food will be improved. Parents are responsible to ensure that they have topped up their Arbor account in time for lunch and break meals which will avoid any issues obtaining meals. Our tills do not currently operate with a negative balance and I understand that various schools have that facility so we will investigate that. Please contact admin if you are not set up on Arbor and we will send you a code to enable you to register.


By October half term we will be going cashless, and the cash machine will be removed which means that your Arbor account will be necessary to pay for trips and school meals.


We are determined to provide students with fresh nutritious food and look forward to seeing improvements in the service next week.

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