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Year on year GCSE success celebrated at Castle View Academy

Today for the second year in succession, students and staff at Castle View Academy are celebrating record breaking GCSE results. Over 60% of the students achieved 4 or above in English and Mathematics, a significant increase on results from previous years.

Year on year GCSE success celebrated at Castle View Academy


Castle View Academy celebrate record breaking GCSE success

Students at Castle View Academy (formerly King Richard School) are today celebrating their best ever GCSE results.  50% of students at Castle View Academy achieved A*-C grades (4 or above) in both English and maths; a significant increase on results from previous years.

The academy is equally delighted with the number of students achieving the government’s 5+ (B grade or above) threshold within English or maths.  In English, a record 48% of students surpassed the 5+ measure and in maths an impressive 30%.

Castle View Academy celebrate record breaking GCSE success


Unloc Youspeak Student Voice initiative

Well done to the following students after spending an afternoon debating 3 other Portsmouth schools at Portsmouth University as part of the Unloc Youspeak Student Voice initiative. We lost 3 and won one which meant we did not win overall.

Unloc Youspeak Student Voice initiative




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