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In School and Online Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

At Castle View Academy, the mental health and wellbeing of our students are of the utmost importance.  If a student isn't in the right frame of mind to learn, progress will be limited.  Here are some resources that are available to support our students to help build resilience, self-esteem, a sense of belonging and good mental health.

The provisions we offer here at Castle View Academy to promote wellness and mental health are:

We also have the city based Mental Health Support Team available for supporting students who are in need of more specialist support and this forms a much needed link between the school and CAMHS mental health services.

Who can I talk to?


New mental health guidance has been created for children and young people which offers clear and simple advice on accessing the right support at the right time.

You can find quick guides for easy reference and information on where, how and when your child can access support if they are experiencing a mental health issue, such as anxiety, depression or eating difficulties.

Visit www.portsmouth.gov.uk/SEMHguidance for more information.



Upcoming events and support availble at CVA and in the community. 

Further Support - Students

Further Support - Parents

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