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Homework/ Revision

At Castle View Academy we believe that quality revision/ homework can help students achieve the best success in their Key Stage 4 examinations. We will guarantee that students will find revision/ homework relevant, challenging, and beneficial. All students are set revision/ homework and are expected to complete it. Revision/ homework is published on Arbor so that parents/carers and students can track what has been set. 

All revision/ homework is set in electronic form using one of the following systems: Sparx Maths, Sparx Reader, Maths Watch and Seneca learning. All students will complete revision/ homework using the same electronic platforms they will use throughout their time at school.  

Year 7 to 9 

Each week you will be expected to complete revision/ homework for three subjects. You should spend roughly 30-45 minutes on each piece of revision/ homework. The revision/ homework will be set using specific electronic programmes. You will be issued with Maths, English and Science homework on a Monday each week.

We expect homework to be completed to the highest possible standard. If you are struggling to complete your homework, you can talk to your subject teacher or go to Homework Club for extra support..

Year 10 to 11 

Students should spend roughly 45-60 minutes on each piece of revision/ homework. Revision/ homework at Key Stage 4 will be a mixture of Seneca, Sparx or GCSE specific questions/revision. Students at Key Stage 4 are given a week to complete every piece of revision/ homework set. They can use the timetable provided to make sure they complete all homework or devise their own routine to ensure all homework is completed weekly. 


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