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Exam Support Hub

Welcome to CVA's Exam Support Hub. Below are range of resources for students and parents/carers. 


  • Top Tips
    1. 100% Attendance – Give yourself the very best chance of success, by avoiding taking unnecessary time off school and making sure you are at your very best during school time. Keep as up to date in your classwork as you can and make sure you complete every home work to the very best of your ability.
    2. Be equipped and work smart – make sure you have a place set aside at home for study, a desk preferably and good seating and lighting. It is best to keep a list of the homework you have to do and the revision you would like to do from now on. It is never too early to revise. Go back over work you did not understand in class. Use your new maths text books to help you and for all other subjects use your revision guides.
    3. Make sure your Homework gets your very best attention – homework is essential to help you consolidate the learning you have done in lessons and is also designed to fill learning gaps. “Flipped learning” is used sometimes where you will find you are learning new information and skills. You should always aim to produce your very best work as your homework, take care and pride over the presentation and once you have the feedback from your teacher, make sure you read the advice, respond to marking and feedback in your class books and act on the advice given.
  • Online Revision Resources
  • Revision Techniques


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