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Education with Character and Personal Development

At Castle View Academy we believe that there is more to a good education than solely achieving academic success.  As well as ensuring our students succeed in exams, we aim to provide for young peoples’ broader development, enabling our students to discover and develop their interests and talents, and ultimately become responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society. At Castle View Academy we have high ambitions, we show determination, and we act with respect.


The development of education with character at Castle View Academy is realised through every interaction, including lessons and break times, but it is focused through four strands:

  • Careers & Aspirations
  • Enrichment
  • Leadership & British Values
  • Personal Development


Careers & Aspirations

Awareness and understanding of careers and employability are shared through assemblies, PD sessions, one-to-one meetings with an external careers advisor, educational visits, workshops and presentations from outside speakers throughout KS3 & 4, as well as within subjects.


All of our students complete a bi-annual aspirational survey which explores the ambitions and attitudes of our students. Our pastoral team use this data to support their decisions about which students need certain types of careers advice, as well as what pastoral support they need.


Throughout the year, our students engage with colleges, universities, employers, and other training providers which provide students with an insight into post-16 routes.  All students in Years 7-10 are given the opportunity to visit one university or place of higher education per academic year, and local colleges provide information and guidance during parents evenings and assemblies in Years 9, 10 & 11.



Our enrichment programme provides students with sporting and academic opportunities to expand their knowledge and understanding of subjects beyond the curriculum.  We have over 20 extra-curricular clubs every week, ranging from sports teams and performing arts, crochet and palentology club. 


Trips and events are strongly encouraged throughout the school as a way of enriching the curriculum. Visitors to the school, since September 2021, have included Katie Kittermaster, NHS outreach, St. Giles’ Trust , and The Greenhouse Sport.


British Values & Leadership

Students are provided with leadership opportunities across a range of areas. Our School Council consists of Form Reps from every tutor group.  The Council has several sub-committees including Equality & Diversity, Facilities and Environment, which allows the Reps to specialise in a particular area.


In addition, leadership opportunities helping at school events, community links, as well as, sub committees key events throughout the year.


British Values, Democracy, Rule of Law, Mutual Respect, Individual liberty, Tolerance of Different Cultures, flow like an undercurrent through everything that happens at CVA.


Personal Development

Personal Development at Castle View Academy combines the requirements of PSHEE, SMSC, RSE and Citizenship. Our students have a Personal Development session once a week during tutor time when they will discuss themes such as relationships, online safety, and democracy, and these sessions are aligned with weekly assemblies and commemorative events, including Holocaust Memorial Day and World Book Day. Citizenship is taught fortnightly as a separate subject during Ethics lessons. We are members of the PSHE Association.


Castle View Academy’s values permeate all aspects of the academy and epitomise our approach to Education with Character:

  • Ambition – we encourage our students to always have high aspirations.
  • Determination – resilience is expected to overcome obstacles.
  • Respect – a sense of self-respect and towards others will help the achievement of one’s ambitions.

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